Members & Committee Leads

What Does the School Council Do?

The Humewood School Council is dedicated to enhancing student achievement and ensuring the education system remains responsive to parents’ needs.

At Humewood, the council builds strong partnerships between parents, teachers, principals, students, and the broader community. Here’s how these partnerships come to life:

  • Offering valuable input to the principal on matters that are important to the school community through committees and council discussions.
  • Supporting school improvement initiatives through volunteer efforts.
  • Acting as a bridge for communication between families, school leadership, and the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).
  • Hosting workshops and discussions to keep parents informed and engaged.
  • Organizing fundraisers and allocating resources to enrich students’ learning experiences and school environment. 


Committee namesCommittee LeadContact Us
Staff Equity TeamMadison Cumbaa, Leah Robinson, Sophie Rutherford
HMA TeamRachel Lobbenberg, Nicola Correia Ridhima Sharda, Kris