2018 Fall After Four Programs

Please Note: The start date for registration has changed


Tuesday classes begin on Tuesday October 9th 2018 and end on Tuesday December 4th 2018.  Thursday classes begin on Thursday October 11th 2018 and end on Thursday December 13th 2018.  There are no classes on Thursday November 15th 2018 nor on Thursday December 6th 2018. 

Children must be at least four years of age. 

Registration for all programs is online. Limited spaces are available. Please register between Monday September 10th 2018 and Friday September 28th, 2018.

JK/SK Program Time: 3:05pm to 4:05pm

Grade 1 to 6 Program Time: 3:25pm to 4:25pm

Parents are asked to please pick up kindergarten students at 4:05pm.

There is no supervision between 4:05pm to 4:25pm for Kindergarten students.

Students in Daycare and After care are asked to go directly to Daycare or After care at dismissal.  Staff members at Daycare and After care will escort their students to After 4 programs after they have completed attendance at Daycare and After care. 



Kindergarten Children’s Art Studio

Grade JK/SK, Room 106

Our KINDER Art classes skillfully combine literature with art as we aim to help your child with success in school by fostering positive self awareness and assurance. Our open ended lesson plans explore the creative process by experimenting with drawing, painting, sculpture and print-making. Aprons will be supplied.

Please pick up students at the outside

Kindergarten North-West Door labeled number 2.

Fee:  $175.15

To register: www.childrensartstudio.ca, info@childrensartstudio.ca


Action Potential Labs DaVinci Club

Grade 1 to 4, Room 204

Action Potential Lab is Toronto’s first laboratory dedicated to cross disciplinary education in the science and the arts. We believe that problem solving techniques, comprehension and creativity are most enhanced by using both sides of the brain.

We are so excited to present an  ALL NEW semester of ALL NEW experiments and projects! Whether your child is a returning student or brand new to Action Potential’s After 4, they are in for an unforgettable science and art infused experience.

Each week we will be learning about new branch of science fittingly fused with a new style of art.  We guarantee that your kid researcher will come home every week buzzing with excitement and eager to tell you about the fantastic things they’ve learned and did over dinner!

Fee: $243 plus HST

To register https://www.actionpotentiallab.ca/humewoodfall, bookings@actionpotentiallab.ca


IN THE MIX Hip Hop Dance and iPad Music Video Creation

Grades: 1 to 6, Room 217

In the Mix is an innovative program that provides a unique opportunity for children to explore what’s new in dance, music and internet technology. This experience is very much about developing mind and body, and gaining confidence and social skills. Students will learn a brief hip-hop dance to share with parents at the last class. They will also work collaboratively in small groups to create one-of-a-kind music-videos, using iPads supplied by In the Mix. Kids get to be Directors, DJs, and Choreographers while producing their own custom HipHop music-videos! Students have full creative freedom yet are guided appropriately to help them progress and spice up their videos and dancing. At the end of the session, students can securely view their videos at the In the Mix website.

Fee: $145 + HST

To register visit www.inthemixprogram.com

Please pick up students from the outside Grade School North-East door labeled number 5.



Grades 4 to 8

Students learn how to program (code) dynamic video games using Scratch, a kid-friendly programming language created by MIT and used by millions of budding programmers worldwide.

CURRICULUM: This is a Beginner’s/Intermediate coding workshop for students who are new to coding or who want to upgrade their Scratch skills. Each project includes Basic and Advanced content so each child can progress at his/her own pace.

Using colourful drop ’n drag blocks of coding commands (imagine LEGO® meets Powerpoint) students combine graphics, sound, illustration, animation and gaming features to create entertaining and interactive games, such as Pong, Harry Potter, Star Wars Maze, and more!

Fee $175

To register: https://codezillakids.com/register/


There will not be classes on Thursday November 15th nor on Thursday December 6th, 2018.


Chess Institute of Canada

Grade JK/SK, Rookies Rooks, Room 106

Grades 1 to 6, Kool Kings, Room 104 and 109

Chess Institute of Canada (CIC)is bringing its popular and rewarding after school chess club back to Humewood this Fall*

*All levels of chess players are welcome. Beginners will be gifted with the universal language of chess knowledge, while advanced players will be challenged and raised to new levels. While learning or expanding their chess knowledge, students also gain important values and life skills such as goal setting, creative analysis, resilience, respect for others, and responsibility for decisions.

These skills are gained through our approach to chess as a *mental martial art*, where choosing a move means: taking wise, calculated risks, dealing with unexpected and disappointing outcomes, reflecting critically on changing situations, looking deeper to find more viable options than may at first appear, valuing diverse abilities and skill sets, and realizing there are choices in every situation.

As this strong, respectful and resilient mindset is nourished, players will have *a lot of fun* with our experienced and engaging instructors, who will appeal to and elevate their natural abilities. Chess is an amazing activity for children of all ages, where focus and skills are gained with surprising speed.

Fee: $104.00 per child.

Please pick up students from the Grade School, outside North East door labeled number 5.

Register and pay online: https://www.chessinstitute.ca/register


Cooking with Lesley Matthews

Registration for Cooking With Lesley will Open on September 11th at 7 p.m.
Grade 1 to 4, Staff Room

Calling all kids!

Who doesn’t love making and eating fun and tasty treats?

In this program, aspiring chefs and bakers will get hands on experience in the kitchen. With an emphasis on creativity and fun, we will explore all of the wonders of the kitchen, the sense of accomplishment that comes from making something with your own hands, and the joy of sharing it with others. Yum!

Note: While no nuts will be used in any of our recipes, we cannot guarantee that all products are 100% allergen free.

For pick-up, please enter the school through the outside North East Grade School door labeled number 5 and pick up students from the staff room.

Fee: $160 per child.

Register online beginning at 7:00 p.m. on September 11th 2018.




Art Focus The Children’s Art Studio

Grades 1 to 3, Room 207

Your child will explore, investigate and refine their art-making techniques in these fun focused art classes. We will combine all mediums: fine drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and mixed media. In addition to learning technique, students will be introduced to both historical and contemporary artists and their practices. This class is appropriate for beginners and for those with a lot experience wanting to further develop techniques and skill.

Fee: $158.20

Register with a cheque and printable PDF form to the provider or register on-line with Paypal



Please Note

Please pick up students from the Grade School, outside North East door labeled number 5.

Humewood Community Sschool does not take attendance nor share attendance information with providers.  If your child is going to be absent from After 4, please contact the provider directly and not the Humewood Community School office or teachers.  It is important for the providers to know so they can ensure student safety.

Please advise after school care providers if your child will be attending a club.   

If your child has medical and/or dietary needs, please share this information directly with the providers.

If you have any questions about After 4 please contact cheryl.batty@utoronto.ca.

This is a staging environment